Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Vagabond- A person who wanders from place to place without a home or job (according to a random google search).

We are choosing to be vagabonds for a month. On May 13th, we are packing up our car and heading out West. Matt graduated from Ohio State May 4th and begins his grown up job June 16th. I resigned from my job and will begin more coursework for my teaching license in the Fall. Now is the perfect time to take a long, potentially life changing trip. 

If you have never heard of, go there now. Seriously, it's incredible. Here is a screenshot of our trip, made on Each number is a different activity/spot pinned along the way. We will be blogging each day (wifi permitting) and will reveal some of the pins that we hit up. For the most part, we will be travelling out to California via Route 66 and hitting up some major National Parks on the way back. 

We are so excited about this trip and we can't wait to learn more about each other and ourselves (can I really go longer than a day without showering?!). We are so excited to get away from the busyness of life and to really soak in creation and all it is meant to be. I'm sure there will be bumps along the way and countless "disagreements" but for the most part, we are hoping it will be a wonderful learning experience.

If you have taken a trip similar to the one we will be taking we would love to hear about it! Any advice, suggestions, questions or comments are welcome below! Thank you for reading and we look forward to you following our blog and joining us on this journey!


  1. My family does a 2 week tent camping trip to Washington state and's amazing so gorgeous and the things you will see. Tent camping is the cheapest way and the best way to experience those national parks. Hearing the bears at night is a real experience.

    1. That sounds awesome! Unfortunately we won't be making it up to Washington state or Oregon. That will have to be another trip. This will be the first time I've gone tent camping so while I'm excited I am also very nervous! My only experience with tent camping is camping in my backyard with my brothers and running into the house whenever we heard a suspicious noise. I don't know what I'll do if I hear a bear! You're braver than me! We shall see how this goes! :)
