Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Off and Away!

We’re finally off!

The past few days were crazy! Friday was my last day at work. It was such an emotionally draining day, it is never easy to leave a job but it’s especially hard to leave small children! After crying most of the day Friday, I woke up bright and early on Saturday and we spent from 7am to 1am moving me out of my apartment.

Note to self: never assume you can move and clean in a day, even if your apartment is only 350 Sq. Ft.

Sunday did not provide any rest. Not only was it Mother’s Day (which time with my mother was quite lovely) but Matt’s graduation party was on Sunday as well. His family and friends really made sure we survive on our big adventure. They provided us with almost all of the supplies we need, we are so blessed and couldn’t be thankful enough!

After spending the day packing, gathering, and organizing on Monday we are now on our way!

Clearly we don't know how to pack lightly (oops!)

First stop: St. Louis! We will have more on our adventure there later!

We’d like to take this moment to give a few shout outs:

Our friend Seth- Thank you for giving up your Saturday to help me move! We really couldn’t have done it without your help. Also, thank you for the lovely drawing you made of our road trip! It deserves to be framed!

Matt’s Mom- Thank you for giving up your Mother’s Day to throw a graduation party for Matt. What a selfless, motherly act! Matt promises to make it up next year!

Matt’s Aunt Tammie- Thank you for rallying the troops and making sure we have all the supplies we need and for being so excited for us! It makes us excited too!

Our Family- Providing us with everything we possibly could need whether it be a car, food, camping supplies, gift cards, monetary funds, advice, love, and support. You make it possible!

You- Thank you for reading our blog! We are so excited for this trip and it is going to be so fun to share our adventures with our friends and family via this blog!

Don’t forget to leave any comments, tips, or advice below or on Facebook. We’d love to hear what you think we should check out in St. Louis!

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