Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Back to our Routes- Day 7

We left Flagstaff, Arizona yesterday and hopped back onto Route 66 to head to California. 

We found this sign at a gas station along Route 66 and we had to stop to get a picture! It includes all of the towns in the Route 66 song!

We did a lot of driving yesterday but the scenery was beautiful and ever changing!

We found this little General Store in Huckberry and decided to stop. After talking to the owner, we learned that the store used to be an old butcher shop. They then added a bar to it for the workers on the railroad. He talked about how the small town (now barely anything) used to be a bustling place back when the railroad business was big. It really showed how heavily, small town America relied on the railroad system and when the railroad system dwindled so did the towns.

Matt liked the old corvette outside the store.

The store was surrounded by antiques.

And a lot of old gas pumps.

Matt thought he'd see if there was any Pepsi left over in the old machine.

After Huckberry, we decided to back track to Oatman. We missed our exit and we had to drive 20 minutes back on Historic Route 66 to get to Oatman. We are so glad we did!

The drive to Oatman was a Scenic Biway and it was beautiful! 

We opened the sunroof and put 50s on the radio, getting the full American road trip experience. We had a blast!

While watching the road and being safe!

We made it to Oatman! It's a living Ghost Town! The old buildings are filled with cute little shops. Do you notice anything strange in the picture?

The town was full of wild Burros!

You could buy food for the Burros. This poor man was feeding one and a flock of them came over!

Matt thought it looked like fun so we bought food and started to feed them.

I was a little hesitant!

Matt got a picture with the only male Burro. His name is Jack.

I found a little baby Burro and snapped a picture!

This is what happened while I was taking the picture. Mama didn't like!

After visiting Oatman we headed off to San Bernardino, California! We missed the "welcome to California" sign but this is how we knew we were in Cali:
And of course we needed gas!

After a couple of hours we finally made it to San Bernardino! 
This is where we stayed for the evening!

In a Wigwam! It's an iconic Route 66 motel! After talking and wondering how much they charged people to stay in a wigwam, we decided to look it up using google. It was surprisingly inexpensive so we decided to take part in a piece of Americana!

Today we are off to Los Angeles and Mailibu! What should we do and see?!

I leave you with this video that we thought was hilarious. 

We keep seeing people dance on the side of the road and we finally captured someone on video!

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